Kids Health

How to Reduce Fever in Child Naturally


How to Reduce Fever in Child Naturally

In this article, we will discuss how to reduce fever in child naturally. Most of us are blessed with kids and they are our lifelines. While with them, we forget our worries and problems and get involved with them in their world. Their smile is the solution to many of our problems, so we always pray to God to keep them healthy and happy.

Even a single scratch on them hurt us deep into our heart and so we try to do every possible thing to make happy, secure, and healthy as well. We try to keep them away from all odds but still, there are some issues that make us worried about their health and fever are one of the issues.

Every child undergoes with the fever which is a common illness and a response to many other health conditions. The fever temperature depends on the baby temperature that either it is low-grade fever or high fever. Many parents get confused when their child has the fever that how to treat fever in the child.

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Many of them don’t prefer to give allopathic medicines, as allopathic medicines have side effects and sometimes even kids also don’t like to have these. In such case, here we have some easy home remedies for fever in children that are absolutely safe and effective.

Baby Fever Remedies

Kids temperature might go up and sometimes down also so don’t panic and follow these home remedies to get rid of fever in children. There are different causes of fever like common cold or flu, throat infection, inflammation or reaction to some vaccination. These home remedies will help in curing fever in children and will make them healthy.

1. Cool Water Sponge

This is the easiest way to reduce the temperature. As we all know that water is the solution to many health problems. It is also used to reduce the temperature of a body. For cool water sponge, first, take a clean cloth and soak it in the cool tap water and then wring out the extra water.

Place this cloth on the feet or forehead to reduce the temperature. Keep changing the cloth after few minutes and then repeat the same procedure for some time. This remedy is very beneficial in high fever and so it helps in controlling the fever.

2. Ginger to Reduce Fever in Child

Ginger is the herb which is easily available in mostly all the kitchens and also it has several health benefits. As it is a natural antiviral and antibacterial agent so it helps in fighting with any kind of infection and also it builds the immune system that makes you strong.

You can take ginger in many forms like if you mix one teaspoon of ginger juice in one teaspoon of honey and consume it 2-3 times a day, your fever will vanish. Also, you make ginger tea by boiling a cup of water and by adding a teaspoon of grated ginger with one teaspoon of honey. Sip this tea 3-4 times a day to reduce the temperature.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is another highly effective remedy that helps in fever. Because of its acidic nature, it helps in reducing the temperature by drawing out the heat from the skin. Take a tub of water and add a half cup of ACV into it and then soak in this water for about 5-7 minutes.

In some time only, you will see the improvement. You can repeat the same procedure if the temperature rises again. Another way of consuming ACV is to mix 2 teaspoons of ACV and 2 teaspoons of honey into a glass of water and drink it thrice a day. This method will also help you in reducing the fever.

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4. Herbal Tea to Reduce Fever in Child

Herbal Tea also helps in reducing fever. It is easily available in the market or else you can prepare it at home also. Take one and half cups of water and add one teaspoon of herbal tea into it and boil it until the water remains half or one cup. Sip this tea slowly and also take the steam. This method is very beneficial for fever as well as for cold and cough too.

5. Mint Water

Mint is cool in nature and this cooling property of mint will help in reducing the body temperature from the internal system. It is very easy to prepare mint water and for that, you need some crushed mint leaves.

Add these mint leaves to one cup of warm water and steep it for 8-10 minutes and then strain it. Now, add one tablespoon of honey into the water and drink for the fast recovery. Repeat this same process 3-4 times a day until you recover properly.


In this article, we have discussed how to reduce fever in child naturally. Fever are sensitive so they easily get infected from the outside infections and this might cause the fever to them. By applying these home remedies for reducing fever, your child will recover very fast and also there will be no side effect. These remedies are absolutely safe and almost every ingredient is available at home that is used in these remedies.

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