HealthKids Health

How to Get Rid of Diaper Rash Naturally


How to Get Rid of Diaper Rash Naturally

In this article, we will discuss how to get rid of diaper rash naturally. Diaper rash is very common in small babies, though no mother wants her baby to suffer from diaper rash or yeast rash. If a diaper rash is not treated properly, it can become yeast rash and that makes the situation worse.

diaper rash blisters

Diaper rash occurs due to the redness that developed because of the inflamed skin. This happens because of many reasons like some kids have very sensitive skin, chemicals in lotions, soaps or baby wipe that we apply to kids or some change in diet as well. Here are some common causes of diaper rash.

What Causes Diaper Rash

All the kids are the apple of their moms and so no mother wants any kind of rash or any problem to her munchkin. But, no matter how careful a mother is, a child gets a diaper rash at some point because of any reason. Here are some reasons that will tell us that what causes diaper rash.

  • Bacterial Infection
  • Rubbing against the diaper
  • Leaving a dirty diaper for too long
  • Yeast Infection
  • Allergic Reaction to Diaper
  • New Foods Allergy
  • Irritation by stool or urine
  • Teething or Illness
  • Allergy from Baby Care Products, Chemicals or Fabrics.

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Mostly all the babies get diaper rash at some point in time and to treat those rashes, mothers apply many different creams and ointments. Here are some home remedies for diaper rash that you can use without any doubt and also these remedies don’t have side effects.

Home Remedies for Diaper Rash

So, before applying any cream, lotion or ointment to get rid of diaper rash, try out some of these home remedies to get rid of diaper rash naturally.

1. Keep your baby clean and dry

The best way to get rid of diaper rash is to keep your baby clean and dry. For that, you have to keep an eye on your baby’s pee and poop timings. Keep checking your baby’s diaper and change it after every 2-3 hours.

While wrapping the diaper always keep few things in mind like diaper shouldn’t be wrapped tight and always clean and dry the diaper area with a soft cloth. Never rub the skin and use the wipes that are alcohol-free to avoid rashes.

2. Avoid Highly Fragrance Products

When the baby suffers from diaper rash, try to avoid products that have high fragrance. It can be fabric softeners or dryer sheet, avoid all. Always use hypoallergenic and fragrance-free products, as they are less irritating and painful for the baby. Use clothes that are soft and breathable so that the baby feel less irritation. Also, leave your baby without a diaper for some time.

3. Baking Powder to Treat Diaper Rash

How to treat diaper rash with baking powder? Well, baking powder is one of the best remedies for a baby rash. It has anti-inflammatory properties that cure many skin related issues. Take 3-4 cups of water and add 2-3 tablespoons of baking powder in it.

Mix the powder gently and the wash your baby’s diaper area with this mixture. Now, wipe the area with a clean and soft cloth and pat the skin dry. After wiping the area, now wrap the diaper but not too tight. You can also add one tablespoon of Epsom salt in the water along with baking powder to get rid of severe diaper rash.

4. Coconut Oil for Diaper Rash

Coconut oil is an excellent remedy for diaper rash because of its anti-fungal properties. It moisturizes the skin and makes it soft and smooth. To treat diaper rash apply coconut oil on the diaper area of your baby whenever you change the diaper.

Massage for 2-3 minutes before wrapping the diaper so that the skin soak the oil completely. Add few drops of tea tree oil in the coconut oil for treating severe diaper rash. Apply it on the affected area and massage for few minutes before fastening the diaper.

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5. Breastfeed for treating Baby Rash

Breastfeed is the best cure for any ailment in infants. It is the best medicine for newborn diaper rash as well. Yes, you read it right. If a child is getting breastfeed, he has lest chances of developing rashes.

But, still, if a child suffers from rash, then breast milk or mother’s milk is the best and easy remedy to treat newborn diaper rash. Apply few drops of breast milk on the rash and leave the area uncovered to get dry naturally in the air. After that, you can wrap the diaper around the child.


In this article, we have discussed how to get rid of diaper rash naturally. Kids have sensitive skin and so there are more chances of developing rashes. These remedies are helpful to many mothers and with these remedies, they are preventing rashes. Before applying any chemical based cream or lotion, try these home remedies for diaper rash and bring that bright smile on your munchkin’s face.


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