Women Health

Foods to Eat While Breastfeeding to Help Baby Gain Weight


Foods to Eat While Breastfeeding to Help Baby Gain Weight

In this article, we will discuss foods to eat while breastfeeding to help baby gain weight. Most of the mothers are worried because of their baby’s weight. Their main concern is that either their breastfeed is enough for them to gain weight or not. As most of the babies fall asleep while breastfeeding and this may slow down their weight gain.


Mainly newborn babies should be breastfed after every couple of hours so that their weight keep on gaining and they get complete feeding. An average baby weight is between 6 to 7 pounds at the time of birth, which keep on increasing every month. Like us babies to have their own individual pattern and so sometimes they want little meal and sometimes a big meal.

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For a healthy baby or for the baby’s weight gain, it is necessary that the baby should have proper breastfed and also your breast milk is full of all essential nutrients. This will help in baby’s well being and growth. The lactating mother should take well-balanced diet to have the good supply of breast milk.

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Foods to Increase Milk Supply

Here are some foods that increase breast milk supply in lactating mother. It is good for the lactating mothers to eat non-spicy food so that the breast milk remains safe for the baby and breastfeeding to help baby gain weight.

1. Fruits

Fruits are rich in Vitamins and minerals and fruits like apple and banana help in increasing the energy level in the body and also increases the breast milk. Those new moms who have had C-section, for them, fruits rich in Vitamin C are good because of their fast wound healing properties. Citrus fruits like oranges and tomatoes good for the new moms so it should be added to their diet.

2. Eggs

One of the best sources of protein is an egg. It fulfills the protein requirement of the body and helps in increasing the breast milk. Also, an egg is a source of Vitamin D so you must add an egg to your diet to fulfill the requirement of protein as well as vitamin D. It helps in developing your child’s growth and in strengthening your child’s bones and muscles.

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3. Low-Fat Dairy Products

Dairy products are the best sources of calcium and are helpful in a baby’s bone structural development. Low-fat dairy products like milk, yogurt should be added to the lactating mother as they are not only rich in calcium but also are a rich source of Vitamin B and Vitamin D.

4. Garlic

Garlic is a herb that has several health benefits with anti-microbial and anti-oxidant properties that helps in getting rid of infections and improves milk production. Since several years it is used for increasing milk production. Because of its health benefits, it is good to add it to your diet. It improves the taste and also strengthens your immune system and also boosts lactation.

5. Stay Hydrated

Lack of liquid in the body also causes low milk production, so for the proper milk production, it is necessary to keep yourself hydrated. To get proper energy in the body, lactating mothers should take liquids in different forms like water, juices, soups, coconut water, buttermilk or milk. Make sure they should avoid caffeinated drinks as they are not good for their and baby’s health.


In this article, we have discussed foods to eat while breastfeeding to help baby gain weight. A lactating mother must take well-balanced diet for the increase in milk production. Breastfeeding helps in gaining weight of the baby and all these foods will increase the milk production of new moms. This will help in well-being and growth of the child.

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