Skin Beauty

7 Natural Home Remedies to Get Rid of Acne Scars Fast


7 Natural Home Remedies to Get Rid of Acne Scars Fast

In this article, we will know the 7 Natural Home Remedies to Get Rid of Acne Scars Fast. How to get rid of acne scar is the next big thing when we talk about acne treatment. With many efforts and by applying several different creams and lotions we try to remove them.

We even use home remedies to get rid of blackheads and we get success also in getting rid of pimples and acne.

When the acne gets treated it leaves its scar in that area. These acne scars look so ugly and low down our face beauty.

Acne scars take around a month’s time to disappear. Some scars are so stubborn that they take so long to heal and don’t go easily.

What is Pimple Scar

Pimple Scar is the spot left behind after a pimple is treated. As we all have different skin types and some pimple scars take time according to the skin type. You need to do efforts to make them invisible by applying different methods.

What Causes Acne Scars / Pimple Scars

Acne and acne scars both make the person looks unattractive. Some people don’t even go out when they have pimples or acne. They feel that it’s a kind of attack on their self-esteem and confidence too.

They either try to hide those scars with makeup or put some accessories over them. Some people feel so embarrassed with their acne face or the pimple scars. Here are some causes of pimple scars.

1. Excess Oil

Acne Scars are the left over spots or marks of the acne or the inflamed lesions. These inflamed blemishes occur when the pores get stuffed with the excess oil or dead skin cells.

Also Read: How to get rid of Oily Skin.

2. Genetics

If you have someone in the family with acne scar problem then you too can have the same problem. It’s genetically in some people that they also face pimple scars issue.

3. No Treatment

A person who has acne and is not treating them properly will face the problem of acne scar after the acne gets rupture.

4. Touching and to Suppress

Some people are too curious and are so worried too to get rid of the acne. They either keep touching those several times to check it or they try to suppress that to rupture it.

This makes scarring long time to heal and to go.

Home Remedies for Acne Scars

Many people face the problem of acne scar and feel embarrassed while going out. They hide these scars with makeup and sometimes even avoid going out. Here are some home remedies for acne scars that will remove acne scars invisible and gives you glowing skin.

1. Benefits of Lemon Juice

There are many benefits of Lemon juice. It has the bleaching properties and also it is rich in Vitamin C which helps in rebuilding the collagen. It helps in lightening the scars if applied regularly. The acid in it helps the skin to become lighter day by day.

So if you apply it daily for few days, the scars will diminish and your skin become will beautiful soft and supple.

Take a lemon and squeeze it. Take out the juice and apply it directly on the scars and leave it there till it dries. You can also add some honey to make it more effective.

Wash your face with cold water. Repeat this process twice or thrice a day to get the best result and to get rid of acne scars.

2. Benefits of Honey

Honey cures acne as well as acne scars also. It is one of the best ways to remove acne scars. Honey is good for the skin health and skin beauty.

Take a spoonful of honey and apply it on the pimple scars. Leave it overnight to get rid of pimple scars. In the morning wash your face and dry it with a clean towel.

You can also add cinnamon powder with honey for about 30 minutes to get rid of acne scar. Wash your face after 30 minutes. Repeat this process twice or thrice a day to get the result fast and enjoy the benefits of honey.

3. Benefits of Aloe Vera

Many times when we are getting ready for some special occasion we get sad with pimple scars on our face. We always think that how to get rid of acne scars overnight or how to clear acne scars. We try many things to get rid of pimple scars.

But Aloe Vera is one of the best herbs that will help in getting rid of acne scars. This wonder herb not only cures the acne but also diminish the scars. It is easily available and has many other skin and health benefits also.

Squeeze out the aloe vera gel and apply it on the spots. Leave it there for about 15-20 minutes and then wash your face with normal water. Repeat this process twice a day to get rid of acne scarring.

Also Read: How to use Turmeric for Acne Scars

4. Benefits of Olive Oil

Whenever we have any acne or a pimple we try to remove it either by applying some lotion or with home remedies. Generally, people don’t opt for home remedies because they don’t have time to prepare them.

They spend lots of money on these creams and lotions. Sometimes the result doesn’t come 100% satisfied and again we think that how to get rid of acne scar or how to clear acne scars.

Here we are sharing a very simple and easy way to get rid of acne scars which have side effects and is absolutely safe.

With several benefits of Olive Oil which is full of lots of Vitamins, iron and has anti-inflammatory properties helps in getting rid of acne scars. Take olive oil and massage it over the affected area for 10-15 minutes.

Now dip a towel in warm water and squeeze it and place this towel on your face for 5-10 minutes. This will give steam to your face and this process will help you to get rid of acne scarring.

5. Benefits of Baking Soda

Everyone wants beautiful flawless and spotless skin and for this, they keep searching that how to get rid of acne scarring or how to get rid of acne scars overnight. They want the result in lesser time but some don’t want to do too many efforts get rid of acne scar.

Here is the simplest way to get rid of acne scarring. Take 2 spoons of baking soda and add one spoon of lemon juice into it. Mix them well and apply it on the affected area and leave it for 15-20 minutes.

Wash your face with normal water and dry it with a clean towel. Repeat this method twice a day and get the desired result. Apart from this, there are many benefits of baking soda that help us to maintain our skin health.

6. Benefits of Potato

Potato is another way to remove pimple scars. I am sure you must be thinking that how to get rid of acne scar or how to get rid of acne scarring with potatoes. How potatoes can help us to get rid of pimple scars.

Potatoes do wonders for our skin health and there are many other benefits of potato like it improves the skin beauty as well. Take few slices of potato and start massaging with these slices one by one on your face. Keep doing this massage for 15-20 minutes and then leave the potato juice on your face until it dries.

Wash your face with normal water and apply some good moisturizer on your face. You can repeat this process until you get the desired result.

7. Benefits of Tomatoes

Tomatoes also help in getting rid of acne scars from the face and other parts of the body. Tomato pulp is very useful and is good for the skin and body health. Take a tomato and mash it.

Take out the pulp and put it over your face and the other affected area. Leave it there for around 15-20 minutes and wash it with cool water. Dry your skin and you can repeat this method for 2-3 weeks for the best result.


If you find difficult to remove acne scars and fed up with using several chemical based creams and lotions then your search is over with these home remedies.

Follow these home remedies to get rid of acne scarring and make your skin beautiful and radiant. These homemade remedies have no side effects and are purely safe for the skin health.


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