Women Health

How to Reduce High Blood Sugar Levels in Pregnancy


How to Reduce High Blood Sugar Levels in Pregnancy

In this article, we will discuss how to reduce high blood sugar levels in pregnancy. When a woman is pregnant she feels herself on the ninth cloud. The moment she got the news of her pregnancy she starts thinking about her baby. Pregnancy is the time when there are several changes in the body along with she craves for different food items and love to have all that.

Sometimes because of these cravings and eating habits in pregnancy, one can suffer from Gestational Diabetes or their blood sugar levels increase. Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that mostly occurs in pregnancy. Many women face this generally in the third trimester of pregnancy. In this, the glucose levels or blood sugar levels in the body start increasing.

It is necessary to control high blood sugar levels in pregnancy for the wellbeing of the mother and the baby. It can be serious and dangerous if not properly taken care. Here are some natural treatments for high blood sugar levels in pregnancy.

Home Remedies for High Blood Sugar Levels in Pregnancy

If the sugar levels are not controlled then the risk of developing gestational diabetes increases. Reducing blood sugar level is simple by changing your diet. Also, you can reduce your sugar level by enjoying delicious natural foods also and by applying these home remedies.

1. Regular Exercise during Pregnancy

By regular workout, gestational diabetes can be controlled even during pregnancy also. Regular exercise manages weight as well as bold sugar level. We all know that during every woman put on weight, but by regular workout, it can be easily managed.

Exercise boosts your metabolism and thus prevents you from diabetes. You can walk for 30 minutes, as walking is the best exercise for the pregnant woman. Make sure before starting any exercise do consult your doctor.

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2. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is one of the essential vitamins for pregnant women. It has many benefits that for women going through pregnancies. It saves from the risk of developing gestational diabetes or high blood sugar.

So, it is necessary for pregnant women to keep the levels of vitamin c high in their diet during pregnancy. You can also add green vegetables, tomatoes, oranges, papaya, and berries to your diet for the fulfillment of vitamin C.

3. Less Sugar Intake

To prevent yourself from high blood sugar one has to control her sugar cravings during pregnancy. High sugar level and obesity are the main causes of gestational diabetes during pregnancy. It is very important to control these two to treat diabetes and to control high blood sugar levels.

There are many sugary foods that you need to avoid like ice cream, cookies, sodas, packaged juices, desserts, sweets, etc. In case you find it hard to control your cravings during pregnancy, you can opt for natural sweeteners as an alternative to sugar.

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4. Cinnamon Tea

Cinnamon is another best remedy that helps in treating many health issues. It is also helpful in lowering down the high sugar level during pregnancy. It enhances glucose metabolism and also controls cholesterol in the body.

You can take half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder to control high blood sugar level. Also, you can sprinkle cinnamon powder on your dishes and smoothies for controlling diabetes.

5. Good Healthy Breakfast

Day’s first meal is breakfast and it is very important to have a healthy breakfast, especially for pregnant women. It should contain healthy drinks along with healthy food like eggs, porridge, whole grain cereals, etc.

Having healthy breakfast also avoid complications regarding high blood sugar. Staying empty stomach or not eating anything for long hours can give rise to many problems, so have healthy breakfast every morning and enjoy your pregnancy.


In this article, we have discussed how to reduce high blood sugar levels in pregnancy. Those nine months of pregnancy are going to be most precious days for the woman. It is important to take care of her health so that the baby and to be mother both remain healthy. By following these remedies you can prevent yourself from diabetes during pregnancy.

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