General Health Tips

How to Get Rid of Anxiety Disorder


How to Get Rid of Anxiety Disorder

In this article, we will know that How to Get Rid of Anxiety Disorder. Many times we become nervous or gets anxious when we have to go somewhere or we have to speak in public or if we are facing some financial issues or anything that we do differently from our daily routine. Sometimes when we are nervous or anxious, we try to run from that situation or try to avoid that situation.

Depression and Anxiety

Anxiety is not random or uncontrollable or any kind of inherited disease. This happens because of our changing style of behavior. Also, it can happen to everyone up to some extent or degree. Generally, an anxiety disorder, people indulge themselves in excessive worry about anyone or anything. Some people even have a panic attack as well.

What is Anxiety

Anxiety is neither any kind of illness nor it is bad but it is a psychological or emotional outcome of a person that comes out in different one or another way. Generally, people behave differently when they face anxiety.

There is a kind of misconception or illusion that they themselves or someone near to them can get hurt or could be harm by someone or will be separated from them. This type of anxiety is called Separation Anxiety. There are different types of anxiety in which a person behaves differently.

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Sometimes the person feels so lonely and thinkers that no one is there for him to support and also there is no way to get out of that situation. He feels neglected and avoid to be a part of the crowd. He feels destroyed and sometimes even make a boundary of negative thoughts also. Some people go to major depression because of high anxiety or regular panic attack.

Anxiety Symptoms

Signs of Anxiety or Anxiety Disorder

What causes anxiety attacks or what are the signs of anxiety. There can be many signs of anxiety which many of us face in our daily routine like:

1. Excessive Thinking

Sometimes people think too much about even small things also that anxiety starts interfering their routine. They start facing sleep problems also that can affect their health in terms of both physically and psychologically.

2. Sleep Disorder

If someone is not able to sleep and is lying awake because of some tension or worry about any specific thing then this anxiety can become an anxiety disorder.

3. Irrational Fears

Anxiety can be in the form of Irrational Fear also. Sometimes we don’t have anxiety with any of our own issues but with some other specific thing or situation like with any animal or from the crowd. It is a kind of phobia, which is again a kind of anxiety disorder.

These types of fears don’t attack us every time but only when we face or confront that fear or specific situation. Like if we have height phobia, we can live without any problem for years, but if all of sudden we have to go to hills than we realize of our phobia and need treatment for that.

4. Stage Fear

Some people have stage fear also. They become anxious when they have to address a group of people. This is also called a Social phobia. People suffering from social phobia start worrying and thinking for weeks that they will be able to manage or not and how others will judge them.

5. Perfectionism

Anxiety disorder and perfectionism, both go hand in hand. If a person is finicky about any particular thing and is constantly judging that, then this shows that he has anxiety that he might make mistakes. This shows the signs of anxiety disorder

6. Self-consciousness

Social phobia or social anxiety disorder doesn’t only involve speaking in front of a crowd but in some cases, people don’t feel comfortable or get anxious in a party or while eating at a party or in a small group also. In this, a person feels that everyone in the group or party is watching him and so he sometimes blushes, trembles or even sweats also. These type of people hardly talk to anyone or feel difficulty in conversing with others.

7. Flashbacks

In this, people relieve anxiety by recalling something bad or disturbing that happened in his past. It can be his some financial loss or sudden death of someone close. People even avoid recalling those incidents that cause them fear or anxiety.

8. Doubts

Sometimes a person has some developing in his mind. These doubts can be about himself also and about others also. Like a person thinks that when he goes to the office, does her wife meets someone else? Or like “If I sleep at night and won’t wake up in the morning.” Or “What if my husband doesn’t love me after my delivery?” Or “Either I have locked the door or not?” and checking the door again.

These are called double attacks and these type of questions generally have no answers.

People who have an anxiety problem, if they understand that how to tackle with such situation can easily get rid of it, whereas, those who take medicines for this then they have to continue the treatment for long. Though it can be successfully treated if instead of taking medicines, the person takes the natural supplements that also help in getting rid of anxiety.

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Usually, there are anti-depression medicines that might can help but these are medicines are for those who have major anxiety issues and are not able to coping with anxiety. Also, these medicines have side effects that can harm you.

Home Remedies for Anxiety

There are several reasons that result in anxiety. It can be any reason for a love issue to a financial issue. Symptoms that show that a person is anxious or freaked out the dry mouth, heart palpitations, queasy, sweating, etc. Here are some home remedies that will help you to get rid of anxiety and depression.

1. Oil Massage

Massage always help you in relaxing for some time. It is one of the best ways to get rid of stress and anxiety. Take about 5-6 ounces of any good massage oil and warm it. Now, massage the oil all over the body. Massage gently on your body along with your scalp before going to shower. After 30 minutes of massage, you will feel heavenly.

2. Baking Soda

Baking Soda has many health benefits. It treats many ailments and also works in an amazing way for the skin as well. Take 1/3 cup of baking soda and add 2 tablespoons of ginger. Now mix them and add them to your bathtub. Now bathe in this water and you will feel stress-free.

3. Workout

Workout or exercise is another way of relaxing your mind and body. It relieves stress and uplifts your mood. Different workouts help in different ways like aerobics reduces the stress hormones and supplies mood elevated chemicals. You can also do dancing, walking and opt for any kind of outdoor games as well.

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4. Sunlight

Sunlight is rich in Vitamin D, so it is good for the bones and skin health. A person with Vitamin D deficiency suffers from depression. So it is good to take at least 15-20 minutes of natural sunlight and secure yourself from anxiety.

5. Green Tea

Green Tea is another natural way to combat anxiety. Drink two cups of green tea in a day to get relief from stress and anxiety.


In this article, we have discussed how to get rid of anxiety disorder. There are many reasons, a person suffers from anxiety and depression. People visit the psychiatrist, or take pills but hardly get any relief. Here, with these home remedies, you can easily get rid of anxiety disorder.

1 thought on “How to Get Rid of Anxiety Disorder

  • Long Pflum

    An interesting dialogue is worth comment. I think that you should write more on this topic, it may not be a taboo subject however typically individuals are not sufficient to speak on such topics. To the next. Cheers

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