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5 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Dead Skin on Feet


5 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Dead Skin on Feet

In this article, we will share the 5 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Dead Skin on Feet. Many of us face the problem of dry scaly feet. These dry feet look so ugly and sometimes they are painful also.

This is problematic for those who don’t moisturize their feet properly or those who have some medical problem such as diabetes or athlete’s foot.

Though anyone can have dry feet this problem is very much common for senior citizens and diabetic patients.

There can be many reasons for the dead skin on feet but lack of moisture is one of the major causes of dead skin on feet. Before we know that How to get rid of dead skin on feet we will know the causes of dead skin on feet.

What Causes Dead Skin on Feet

1. Standing for Long Hours

Effects of standing for long periods of time is that feet hurt from standing and also skin becomes dry and lost its moisture which leads to the dry and dead skin. This happens because of the constant pressure on the feet.

2. Harsh Soaps

There are many harsh soaps or detergents that are chemical based and such soaps and detergents cause the dead skin on feet and make the skin dry and dull.

While bathing use a soap which has good moisture and which is mild. Also while washing clothes try to save your feet from the dirty detergent water which can cause dry skin on your feet.

3. Diabetes Causes Dry Skin on Feet

Dry skin or dryness is the symptom of diabetes. If a person is suffering from Diabetes, then he might experience the problem of dry skin on feet. A diabetic person gets dehydrated and causes skin dryness on feet as well as on other body parts as well.

4. Obesity or Overweight

Extra body fat also causes dry skin on feet. An overweight person has more pressure on his feet compared to a normal one. If there will be more pressure on the feet then this will cause acquisition of dead skin on feet.

5. Uncomfortable or Improper Footwear

There are many times when people wear improper or tight footwear which is one of the major causes of dead skin on feet. Many times ladies wear high heels that cause dead skin and even pain also.

If your footwear’s are tight and uncomfortable, they will give cuts and bruises to your feet which will make the skin dead. Also wearing shoes and socks throughout the day causes dead skin especially in men’s.

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Home Remedies for Dead Skin on Feet

Many of us are least bothered about foot skin comparatively to our facial skin, whereas, foot skin is also as important as facial skin. Especially in the winter season, our skin becomes dry and chapped which sometimes becomes painful also.

To treat the foot skin problem, here are some home remedies that will help you to get rid of dead skin on foot. It’s not that, there are no creams or lotions available but compared to those, home remedies are more effective and has no side effects as well.

1. Warm Water to Remove Dead Skin on Feet

How to remove dead skin from feet from the warm water. Warm water is one of the easiest and fastest ways to remove dead skin from feet. It helps in loosening the dead skin makes the skin soft and supple.

Take a tub half full of warm water. Dip your feet into the tub for about 20-25 minutes and scrub them gently to remove the dead skin from feet. After that dry your feet and apply a good moisturizer.

2. Lemon to Remove Dead Skin on Feet

Lemon has the properties to soften the accumulated dead skin because of its acidic nature. It helps in making the skin soft and vibrant.

Take the 2-3 tablespoonful of lemon juice and a half bucket of warm water. Mix them both and dip your feet into the bucket for around 15-20 minutes.

Scrub your feet gently with the pumice stone and then wipe your feet with a dry towel. After that apply some moisturizer

3. Glycerin to Remove Dead Skin on Feet

How to remove dead skin from feet? Or How to get rid of dead skin on feet is the question from many of us. We face many problems because of the dead skin which may cause sometimes pain also.

Glycerin is the answer to our questions. It is one of the best ways that helps in removing dead skin from feet. Mix equal amount of glycerin and lemon and apply this paste to the affected area for about 15-20 minutes.

After that wash your feet with the lukewarm water and dry it. Apply some good moisturizer and make your skin soft and supple.

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Epsom Salt is rich in Magnesium that helps in removing the toxins from the feet. It also improves the circulation around the feet.

Soak your feet in the warm water and use some soft soap to clean your feet. Scrub it gently and then again dip your feet into the warm water tub for about 20-25 minutes.

Add a handful of Epsom salt into the warm water tub before dipping your feet into it. Once the water gets cool, take out your feet and dry them with a soft towel and scrub them again to remove the dead skin from your feet.

Once again dip your feet into the warm water for another 5-10 minutes. Take out and dry them. Apply some good moisturizer and wear socks to let the feet soak the oil.

Repeat this process twice or thrice a week to get the best and fast result.

5. Honey to Remove Dead Skin on Feet

There are many benefits of Honey. It is not only good for the health but for the skin health also. Now many of you must be thinking that how to get the dead skin off feet or how to get the dead skin off your feet.

So the answer to your questions is Honey. Yes, honey helps in removing the dead skin from feet. Here we will see that how to get the dead skin off feet. Simply take a half full lukewarm water tub and add the 2-3 tablespoonful of honey into it.

Soak your feet in this lukewarm water for 15-20 minutes and after that dry your feet with a clean and soft towel and apply some good moisturizer.

6. Baking Soda

Baking Soda is another remedy that helps in getting rid of dead skin from feet. It is easily available in almost every kitchen and is very easy to use. Take a teaspoon of baking soda and 4-5 drops of rose water to a make paste of it.

Now rub this mixture on the feet and then leave it for 10-15 minutes. After that wash it off with water and apply some good moisturizer. Repeat the same process twice a day for the quick and best result as there are many benefits of baking soda.


Dead Skin from feet needs to be treated else it may cause pain in the feet while walking. All these home remedies will help in removing the dead skin from feet. These remedies will help in getting rid of dead skin from your feet and will make them soft and supple.


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