Baking Soda Uses For Skin Rashes
Baking Soda Uses For Skin Rashes
In this article we will know about the Baking Soda Uses For Skin Rashes. Many of us are not aware that our kitchen is our house doctor and we can get several home remedies from our kitchen only. The ingredients that we use in our kitchen can also treat our many ailments. They don’t only give us taste but also help us to stay healthy.

Generally, we rush to the doctor if we are suffering from mild cold n cough or even if we have a small scratch also. We get worried because of these small ailments which we can easily treat at home also with some easy home remedies.
Also, these remedies have no side effects and are absolutely safe comparatively to the medicines which might have. Even in summer season also we generally face small issues like skin rashes. Though these are not very dangerous or harmful they create uneasiness and make us uncomfortable also. But if these rashes are not treated on time then these can turn into the skin diseases like eczema or scabies
This rash all over body can be itchy also. There is no particular area of the body where we can have these skin rashes. In fact, there can be dry skin rash on hands, rash in the mouth, rash on face, rash on arms and feet, rash on hands and legs or the itchy rash all over body.
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The skin irritation or small red bumps on skin or other common skin rashes can easily treat at home with baking soda uses.
Baking Soda Uses
With several baking soda uses and benefits of baking soda, we will know the baking soda uses and how we can use it as a home remedy for different types of rashes.
Baking Soda for Skin Rash
Skin rash is the area of the skin which gets swollen or red because of an allergy or infection and becomes irritated and itchy. These rashes can cause because of some medical conditions or because of coming in contact with some irritating substances also.

Baking soda uses help in getting rid of skin rashes and relieves you from itching as the pH level in it helps in this. It has anti-inflammatory properties that help in getting relief from allergy rash, viral rash or fungal rash.
Let’s check out the baking soda uses for types of rashes or skin irritation.
Take a bowl and with the ratio of 3:1 take 3 teaspoons of water and one teaspoon of baking soda. Add and mix them gently to make a paste of it. Now apply this paste on the rashes or on the affected area and leave it for few minutes. After that rinse it off with water. Repeat this process s daily to get rid of rashes. This will help you in getting rid of itching and irritation also.
This paste is helpful in treating baking soda for shingles and hives also.
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Baking Soda for Heat Rash
Many times before going out in the sun we don’t cover ourselves and this causes Heat Rash, Sun Rash. These heat rash caused because of the sweat glands that get clogged along with bacteria. When these sweat glands get blocked from flowing out from the pores then these become rashes or blisters.

Generally, these problem happens to those who used to work or live hot and humid areas or climates. As the hot and humid climate causes sweating and that causes rashes.
Whereas, baking soda, because of its alkaline nature helps in cleansing and exfoliating the skin. It removes the trapped sweat and also unclogs the pores that get blocked.
Method to get rid of heat rash or sun rash by taking baking soda bath.
Fill lukewarm water into the bathtub and add one cup of baking soda into it. Mix well and soak yourself in this water for about 15-20 minutes. After that take normal water bath and wipe your body and apply some heat rash powder all over the body before wearing the clothes. Repeat this baking soda bath process twice a day until these rashes get healed fully.
Baking Soda for Poison Ivy
Poison Ivies are the painful rashes or small red bumps on the skin that can easily spread to other parts also if you scratch it. It causes because of the oil of the poison oak plant, that it comes in contact with the skin.

Baking Soda uses reliefs you from the irritating itchy rashes by neutralizing the acid found in poison oak. Also, it removes the fluid and dries out the blisters and gives relief from inflammation because of its anti-inflammatory properties and soothes it.
To get rid of poison ivy take 3 teaspoons of baking soda and one teaspoon of water and mix them well to make a fine paste. Now apply this paste on the affected area and leave it there for 10-15 minutes or until it dries. Then wash it with normal water and wipe it with a soft smooth cloth. Repeat this process twice or thrice a day to get the fast result.
Baking Soda for Chickenpox
Another rash that causes on the skin because of a virus is called Chickenpox. These itchy rashes all over body turn to blisters. People with weak immune system mostly get affected by this.

Baking Soda, because of its alkaline nature helps in restoring the natural skin acid and also relief from itching. It dries out the blisters and gives relief from chickenpox rash or blisters.
To get rid of chickenpox rash add one teaspoon of baking soda into 2 glasses of wear and stir them well. Take a sponge for the sponge bath. Also, you can take baking soda bath if you don’t want to sponge.
While having the sponge bath cover the maximum affected area. After the baking soda sponge bath wipes the skin with a soft and smooth cloth and then wear the clothes. Repeat this process regularly until getting the desired result.
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Baking Soda for Bug Bites
Bug bites are very irritating and bothering. They are painful and itchy bumps on the skin. The skin gets swollen where the bug bites. The type of rashes depends on the type of bug bites you. Some of the bugs bite at night especially on face, neck, arms, and feet, as these body parts are easy to bite targets for them.

Baking soda uses helps in getting rid of bug bite rashes also. It squeezes out the chemical reaction of bug bites and relieves rashes and redness. It throws out the toxins and heals the skin rashes fast. It’s inflammatory properties help in getting rid of redness and swelling of the affected area.
To get rid of bug bites with the help of Baking Soda add one teaspoon of baking soda into 3 teaspoons of water. Now mix them well and apply it to the bug bite. Let it get dry so leave it there for 10-15 minutes. Now wash it with water and wipe it with a soft cloth. Repeat this process thrice a day and get the desired result in few days.
Baking Soda for Ringworm
The fungal rash that causes because of fungus is called Ringworm. This skin infection can be allergy rash also. It looks like a ring and causes red patches on the skin or on the affected area. Because of its antifungal and antiseptic properties, it fights with the infection or the ringworm and reliefs from rash and red patches.

Before applying baking soda in the ringworm, first, wash the affected area with lukewarm water and dry the skin with a soft and smooth cloth nicely. Now apply baking soda and water mixed paste to the affected area and let it dry. After that repeat the process twice or thrice a day for the fast result.
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Baking Soda as a Natural Cleanser
Baking soda is alkaline in nature and this quality of it helps in softening the sebum and debris from the skin. It opens the pores and absorbs the excess oil from the skin. Also, it helps in skin whitening. Make a paste of water and baking soda and gently scrub it on your skin for 1-2 minutes and then wash your face with water. After that apply a good oil-free moisturizer. Repeat the same process once or twice a day for the best result.
Baking Soda Other Uses and Benefits
Baking soda is a great ingredient that has many other uses and benefits apart from treating skin rashes. It has many health benefits and also it helps in cleaning and removing tough stains. Some of the uses and benefits are:
- It helps in stomach pain.
- Reduces fatigue and the muscle pain.
- It helps in minimizing the cough and sore throat.
- It helps in infection of cold and flu.
- Helps with bloating, gas and digestive issues.
- It works as a natural deodorant.
- Softens hands and soothes feet.
- It works as a face exfoliator.
- Gives relief to itching skin and allergic rashes.
- It works as a great hair cleanser and also helps in plaque removal.
There can be types of rashes which can create skin related problems. Here, in this article we have mentioned the types of rashes and how to cure those skin rashes with the help of baking soda. It is an antifungal and antiseptic remedy and has anti-inflammatory properties that help in getting rid of rash all over the body and red small bumps on the skin.
Also here we have discussed the baking soda uses and benefits of baking soda common skin rashes and dry skin rash. Baking soda bath can treat many skin rash like the viral rash, fungal rash, red itchy bumps, rash on face and hands and above all rash all over the body.